Promotion of DiMTV project in high school students at Epoka
26 February, 2019
UBT promotion with high school students of Prishtina and Prizren
25 March, 2019

Student Workshop on radio and technologies used at UBT

17th-18th of March were dates to remember for the MDTV Professional Master students. Students accompanied by three professors went for a short visit in Kosovo, at University for Business and Technology (UBT). This meeting served as a platform for extending collaboration between two institutions, also part of the DIMTV consortium.

Professor Edmond Hajrizi, at the same time Rector of UBT stated with the words that “UBT is more than interested in creating strong cooperation with international institutions and especially with Higher Education Institutions in Albania, building a better education for our citizens”.  

During this workshop the lecturer of Media at UBT, Dr. Gjylie Rexha explained the importance and the impact of the radio, especially the multi-platform one.

  1. DIMTV – UBT Workshop -Multi-platform radio

Students during their visit went to the Innovative Campus of UBT where the studio and multimedia laboratories were established. They had an interesting experience talking with UBT professors, other students from Kosovo and sharing experiences. On-campus, professor Jeton Lakna shared his experience in 3D animation, explaining different productions and post-production. 

  1. DiMTV – UBT Workshop – Computer Animation


This activity can be found on UBT official website at the link here.

Click here to view Event Evaluation

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