“Development and Implementation of Multimedia and Digital TV curricula” (DIMTV) project supported partner countries’ higher institutions of the consortium to build capacities in the area of multimedia. Aleksandër Moisiu University implemented the new Professional Master study program in MDTV. The PM is offered in three profiles such as Production and Post-Production, 3D Animation, and Image Processing. This project is a continuation of the previous RICUM TEMPUS “Innovation and Implementation of the Curriculum Vocational“. The other partner countries have implemented some new courses related to multimedia, updated the existing courses on their curriculum or have implemented one of the profiles of PM MDTV.
On this page are shown the entire project outputs which are shown in the two sub-menus: Deliverables and Results.
In the Deliverables sub-menu, you will find detailed information about the reports in bilingual, Albanian, and English, which describe in detail how all work-packages tasks are fulfilled by all the consortium partners.
In the Results sub-menu, you will find:
- The revised curriculum for Bachelor in MDTV at UAMD
- The new curriculum for PM in MDTV (3 profiles) implemented at UAMD
- The new courses related to multimedia for UP, UBT and Epoka University
- The Bachelor and PM books for the MDTV study program at UAMD
- The Bachelor and Master Catalogues study program at UP, UBT and Epoka University
- The Accreditation Certificate for UAMD, UP, UBT and Epoka
- External Evaluation Reports for the Bachelor and PM in MDTV at UAMD
- The report of the revised syllabuses for Bachelor and PM course in the MDTV study programs at UAMD