“Multimedia and Digital Television” is an innovative study program in our country and aims to meet the needs of the labor market for specialists in the field of multimedia, especially after the start of the digitalization process. Following the application process for the accreditation of the Professional Master study program in “Multimedia and Digital Television” offered at the University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës, the Head of the Department Information Technology approved the Internal Evaluation Group for the preparation of the Evaluation Report Internal to the MP study program at MTVD. The internal evaluation group, which operated as an “ad-hoc” group, also included a business representative in the field of multimedia and a student representative attending the study program, which is in the process of accreditation. Each member of the internal evaluation team was selected based on their experience and knowledge in the field of multimedia. The Agency responsible for the accreditation process and issuance of certification in Albania is the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ASCAL) as part of the Quality Assurance System in Higher Education in Albania. The process of reviewing and evaluating the documents was conducted with the visit at the premises of UAMD, of a team of experts in the MDTV field. The PM study program at UAMD was accredited for 4 (four years). Accreditation Certificate for PM at UAMD For further information, you can read the ASCAL official webpage here. + Aleksandër Moisiu University (UAMD)
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICT department staff has developed and prepared a new study program master in ICT, with new DIMTV-related courses, both mandatory and elective. The faculty has prepared self–evaluation reports and other necessary documentation for application for accreditation in the Kosovo accreditation agency. In 2021 the ICT/MDTV offered at UP underwent the accreditation process where in the 1st of September the Commission released the Certificate of the Accreditation for these programs offered by UP. According to the Certification and the decision, this program offered by FECE/UP was accredited for the following 3 years (2021-2024). New study programs developed within the project-sponsored curricula are accredited by Kosovo Agency, after positive evaluation from international experts with student standards evaluated as fully compliant. Accreditation Decision for Master at UP + University of Prishtina (UP)
Master programs at EPOKA have received the accreditation from Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education in Albania. The Master of Science (MSc) study program in Computer Engineering and Professional Master (PM) in Computer Engineering (CEN) is accredited until 2023. The master program in Electronics and Digital Communication Engineering will go under accreditation the following academic year 2021-2022. The Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education in Albania accredited the Master programs (MSc and PM in CEN where the DIMTV courses are offered until 2023. The institutions received the Accreditation certificate. For further information, you can read the ASCAL official webpage here. + Epoka University (EPOKAUNI)
UBT is accredited by the Kosovo Accreditation Agency as a UBT College. The accreditation process has encouraged UBT as a higher education institution to implement the Standards to ensure the European Quality Assurance. The institution has undergone several reading local external accreditation (both institutional and program) phases. UBT was accredited to offer new programs in Stomatology and Pharmacy during the 2017 Accreditation cycle. External Experts Evaluation Report 1 and Experts Evaluation Report 2 provided positive recommendations for the reaccreditation of prior Public Policy and Management (MA), Information Systems (MA), Architecture and Spatial Planning (MA) and Energy Engineering (BSc/Level 5). Accreditation Certificate for study programs at UBT For further information, you can read the UBT official webpage here. + University for Business and Technology (UBT)