The 3rd Steering Committee Meeting took place on January 21-23, 2019 at the premises of Ljubljana University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The meeting started with a welcoming and introduction of the host institution by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matevž Pogačnik and the research held at the university.
Then all participants discussed the achievements realized so far for the DIMTV project and the current state of activities. This session was led by the project coordinator, Dr. Albana Halili. WB partners presented their current situation on MDTV and the activities related to each partner respectively. UAMD, UP and EPOKA representatives, confirmed the finalization of the tendering processes, and their laboratories are about to be established. On the other hand, UBT representatives mentioned that they are in the final stages of the tendering procedure and will be closed in some weeks. Each partner country member presented their plans regarding the implementation of modules of the newly developed Professional Master program in the MDTV area. While EPOKA and UP are planning to be focused more on image processing modules, due to their engineering profiles, UBT Rector, Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi explained that they are planning to incorporate all three modules within their existing master programs. Moreover, he mentioned plans on realizing joint studies with UAMD in this area. This was appreciated by the other members as well.
On the second day of the meeting the coordinator, Dr. Albana Halili presented Progress Report and each section was discussed in detail and specific duties were assigned to each partner. The next activity was a visit to the laboratories at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. UL FE professors presented research activities held by them and the facilities they have. A demonstration of the applications of Virtual reality using the equipment that they have in the lab was made and some examples of student works were shown. Some of the participants had a chance to try these applications.
The third day of the meeting continued with a workshop on 3D printing techniques led by Dr. Jože Guna from UL. This was realized upon the request of SC members and at the end of the workshop, the participants received some 3D printed samples. Furthermore, a 3D printed version of the DIMTV logo was prepared.