Monitoring Visit in Kosovo
10 June, 2018
Revised MDTV Bachelor Degree Curriculum
15 July, 2018

2nd Steering Committee Meeting Tirana

The 2nd Steering Committee meeting took place on the 26th of June 2018 at the premises of EPOKA University, partner P2 of the DIMTV project. The meeting started with a welcome speech by the Dean of Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sokol Dervishi followed by a short introduction to Computer Engineering Department, by the head of the department Dr. Arban Uka. Then, the project coordinator, Dr. Albana Halili, started her presentation with an overview of project activities, current situation, improvements that were done and challenges faced. This was then followed by 15-minute presentations by each project partner. Dr. Endri Stoja presented the achievements of EPOKA University and its main challenges. University of Prishtina representative, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mimoza Ibrani mentioned the progress for each activity, a draft of the Quality Assurance Plan will be prepared in collaboration with the coordination and will be submitted soon to each project partner.

  1. 2nd SCM_DIMTV Progress and Future Planning – UAMD
  2. 2nd SCM DIMTV Progress and Future Planning – Epoka University
  3. 2nd SCM DIMTV Progress and Future Planning – University of Prishtina


This was then followed by a short presentation by UBT representative, Dr. Naim Preniqi, who emphasized that:

  • They are working on the new list of equipment and they need final approval by the respective bodies as well.
  • It was decided to arrange a meeting at their premises regarding the progress of the modules and how they will function in their university.
  • The promotion took place on social media and the UBT newspaper as well.
  • Invitation to participate in Summer Academy
  • At least 5 agreements will be realized with industry partners

After that, Project Steering Committee members discussed future activities and how to better promote the project. The meeting was closed by conclusions made by the coordinator.

  • PO will be informed about the budget problem and will be asked whether we can ask for an earlier 2nd instalment in case 70% of the first one is spent.
  • The next project meeting has been decided to be the 2nd EU Study Visit, to be held in Tartu during the period of 11-13th September 2018.

A visit to EPOKA University facilities closed the 2nd Steering Committee meeting.


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